Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Be BOLD...   Be thankful...   Be quiet

Be original...   Be spontaneous...   Be young

Be crazy...   Be loud...   Be random

Be adorable...   Be unique...   Be daring

Be loving...   Be obnoxious...   Be a star
Be yourself...    Be YPC!!

Wishing you an amazing year filled with new experiences, bold adventures, and love!

I can't wait to see what wonderful things that 2011 will bring!!

Happy New Year!!!!



Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 by Kari Xiong

Hello Friends (old and new) of Youth Performance Company!

As I walked by a coffee shop a couple of days ago, a posting on the door was pointed out to me... 8 days left of 2010! Today, Dec. 27, would mean 5 days left of the year (including today). How are you going to spend these last 5? Most of us are probably going to take a stroll down memory lane and if we really can commit a few minutes to thinking hard, we might be able to recall some great, silly and incredible moments, even it they did happen back in January of 2010.

Here is one of my favorite memories of YPC in 2010...

A few scenes of
The BoyShow were filmed in and around my home this summer. It was quite entertaining to observe the film crew and all the actors take over the house.
And, even in this taking over, I was amazed by how respectful the entire cast and crew were... how they rearranged furniture, moved household decorations and yet, they put everything back the way that it was before the take over.

My favorite moment took place when I sat on the staircase and listened. The crew and actors did not know I was there. The young adults sat in my dining room with beverages and pizza, and talked. They talked about what it means to be a man, who taught them everything they know or don't know. Relationships. Friendships. They laughed, they got serious, and they were real. They were not acting.
I was simply moved and will forever be touched by this genuine, authentic conversation.

When we let our youths, our friends, our family just talk about whatever comes to their mind, it may change our mind, open up our hearts, and allow us to laugh together and cry together.

Best wishes to all of you for a memorable, incredible 2011.

YPC Board Member

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays from our President!

How can it be the holidays already? I've been reminiscing with friends from high school lately who live in OR and IL and we've figured out that as you get older, time goes so much faster than it did when we were in our teens. I'm very lucky to have these women in my life and it's hard to believe we've known each other for 27 years! They sat through every dance show and musical I was in with big smiles and applause, and met me with open arms and flowers when the curtain went down.

Today, they are a poet, a teacher, wife, friend, and the proud moms of amazing 8 to 12-year-olds starting on the path of "pre-teen" fun. After seeing them and their kids recently, I knew exactly what to send them for Christmas this year. Both are receiving "The Talk.." and "Goddess Menses..." DVDs from YPC. I gave them the scoop on these award winning films written by and for teens, and told them to preview both with their husbands before watching with their kids and to take a look through the discussion guides. I'm not a mom so it's next to impossible for me to know what topics are appropriate for what age groups! But I know that even if they hold onto them for a year or two, both of them will get a complete kick out of the humor, songs and creative ways these films educate young people on this time in their life.

I hope to have their feedback/comments sometime in January for my next posting. And since they both have boys, the will be getting "The Boy Show" when it comes out next month. Who knew "Turn Your Head and Cough" could be such a catchy tune!!!

Happy Holidays everyone,
Kris Nugent
YPC Board President 2010-2011 Season

Monday, December 20, 2010

Volunteering by Paula Anderson

Sprinkled with flecks of black paint and sweat running down my neck and back, I drove east. My car was packed with Christmas boxes, tree stumps, hunny pots, baskets, a tool box, sound equipment, two garbage bags full of costumes and Eeyore’s tail.

When I arrived, Amy was standing on the loading dock waiting to help unload everything and move it to the fourth floor in the freight elevator. We unloaded it all except two very heavy things. We needed the manly men (like Miriam) to help with lift those things. We waited. Soon more volunteers arrived to help unload the cars, trucks and vans and carry it all to the freight elevator, ride up to the fourth floor and unpack, stack and put away all of the props from another successful YPC performance,
A Winnie the Pooh Christmas Tail.

It’s challenging. It’s rewarding. It’s appreciated. It’s hard work, but somebody’s gotta do it. And next time it should be you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mean Auditions

Thursday, December 7th, we held callbacks for our next production "Mean."

As a director, callbacks are an event that gives you mixed emotions. It's very exciting to see actors try on all the different roles. You have been reading the script for soooo long and now you get to start to visualize what the show and the characters might look like. You hear the text being read out loud. If it is a really great audition -  actors will surprise you with their "take" on how they might perceive the character.
You start to get even more excited about the project--because it starts to feel "real."
You hope that every actor that walks through the door is the "right" one---so that your search is over.
Casting a show -- I feel that is the most important step in the process of putting together a production.
You really want to be thoughtful about the process. Because getting the right people in the right roles will ultimately make your job thereafter so much easier -- Not to mention that it can make or break a show.
On the flip side of this -- You know that you will be impacting several people's lives.
And that is a huge responsibility. For some, there will be great disappointment, frustration... and not understanding why they did not get cast.  I (believe it or not) think about that deeply.
I know what it feels like not to get cast in a show that you really want to be in; or getting a role that you were not all that interested in playing. And lets not kid ourselves -- EVERYBODY wants the lead-- and many feel they will get cast in that coveted role. But often times, that is not the case.
It is very difficult to disappoint people -- especially people you have worked with before.
But, that is the JOB. I am the person who has to make the tough decisions. And since the Director is ultimately responsible for the show--good or bad-- I have to do what I feel will serve the project the best.
More thoughts on auditions later.
Happy snow storm!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hello World!!

Welcome to the YPC Blog!!

Here you will find a "behind the scenes" look at Youth Performance Company.

We will be sharing a little about what it is like here at YPC, day-to-day.

We'll give you a glimpse into our work – from shows, to classes; film to arts admin; and more!
We are going to introduce you to many of the people you will see here - onstage and off.

And, if you have a question about theatre or teens, or whatever… we will try to answer you.

And, as always, more info can be found on our website, facebook, or twitter!
Here we go...