Monday, April 25, 2011

Life Without a Garage by YPC Board Member, Kari Xiong

Life without a Garage

This morning, I was feeling rushed… frustrated that I couldn’t find car keys, frustrated trying to organize my work bag, frustrated thinking about the high volume of work waiting for me: planning committee meetings, phone messages, emails begging for thorough, intellectual responses, etc., etc. Finally, I’m ready, and set to go.

I stepped outside, truly pleased to hear birds chirping and feeling the sun rays pouring down. Oh, how quickly did I become frustrated again! I shook my head with irritation as I threw my material possessions from my hands into my car and began scrapping a thick layer of ice from the windshield, rear window, and all 4-door windows.  I am positive the neighbors heard every single scrape as I scrapped up and down with fierce aggression... I can't believe I am still scrapping ice off of my car in the month of April! At that moment, my thought: I wish I had a garage. I pretended as if having a garage for my car would solve all of my problems. If only had this, if only I had that…

It took only a minute or so to complete the scrapping process, and soon enough, I was on my way. As a matter of fact, I completely forgotten about my dramatic morning ordeal within minutes and just
recalled it as I began this blog post.

The truth is drama can be funny; having a garage can make morning routines run more smoothly, and wishing for it all is not uncommon. We all do, well maybe, most of us.

YPC can use more volunteers, a bigger space, more Facebook friends, more money, a GARAGE! We’re open to improvements, but, what we have now is still pretty, darn good when we have staff who cares, board members who give, and talent that leaves the audience sitting in amazement.

Sometimes, when we don’t have the luxury of a garage, we learn to live without one. We learn to think differently, to be creative… to be resilient.  Our flaws, our weakness, and our “lack of” become our
strength, our skills, and our gift.

It’s true…I’ll be okay without a garage.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How did you spend "Rock the Cause for Youth Performance Company" Day??

by Kris Nugent, Board President

It was a very special day  with Mayor Rybak declaring, April 8th, "Rock the Cause for YPC" day in Minneapolis.  So how did you spend it?? 

Here are some ideas:

Glamming up for Glitterball Tonight at the Grainbelt Brewery - watching amazing bands, DJ's, and some of our very own young artists singing 60's favorites, ALL TO BENEFIT YPC!!!  We are so grateful to RTC for this amazing event!!

Taking a moment to pause, step back, and remember what makes YPC special:  brave, bold, original work that gives young artists a voice in our community that we don't often hear. 

Inviting friends and colleagues, who haven't seen a show yet and been hooked on all things YPC, to:
watch us on TPT Minnesota Originals, April 21st
come to our Spring Show SchoolHouse Rock Live where you can sing along on May 14th!!!
come to our film premier for The Boy Show on Monday, May 16th at the Riverview Theater FREE, 5pm Doors

Thinking back to your favorite YPC production moment...whether it be a song, a young artist, or a moment of a show that filled you with a feeling of pride, awe, and amazement at the clever/smart productions YPC does.   A couple of mine are:  Shelby and Sydney singing "Mama Didn't Raise No Fool" from But My Soul is Rested.  And watching the cast of The Boy Show perform the "Feelings" skit with the stuffed monkeys (you HAVE to see this!!!).  I could go on and on, there are sooooo many!
No one else does work like this!!!  We need to celebrate it, appreciate it and do whatever we can to spread the word about it!!  So what will you do today and everyday, to celebrate all that Youth Performance Company provides to you, young artists, and to our community??  I ask all parents, board, staff, YAC and friends of YPC to engage others today who may not know who we are, and help us spread the word about this amazing place.  Thank you!