Saturday, January 29, 2011

Comparing the past to present ....

The other day I was thinking back to my good old grade school, junior high and high school days. Really they were not that good but I made it through and moved on like everyone else did! I am now asking YOU to go back to those days, 12 years, 15, 22,28,35,40,54 and even 60 years. It was a journey to say the least. I did not only learn and become educated but I mastered the challenge of being social. Learning to work with many unique social situations. I was overweight, had horrid buck teeth, didn't like to take showers and had greasy hair until my 10th grade. Then I did that blossom thing but at that point the damage was done. It took me … oh lets say another 15 years to gain the confidence. I would love to tell you that what only hurts us makes us stronger, it can but at what price. I still feel unattractive, damage done.

I am in a musical called "Mean" with a theater group called Youth Performance Company. The show follows 3 story lines that are currently at the forefront of todays media. There is one story about a slightly overweight girl (slightly meaning MAYBE 20-30 pounds over the BMI!) She is consistently being belittled for her weight, despite her kind heart and natural beauty. She soon learns about a web page with her name and cropped photos of herself and she wants to give up. Next is a group of 3 boys, one of them feels threatened by the others "perceived" sexuality. We watch as they banter back and forth trying to prove who each other is or is not. The last story is about a Muslim girl, innocent and just trying to fit in but still believe and respect her religion and choices. She hears questions like "Is that really a dog food sandwich?" We watch her ultimate frustration of just trying to be herself. At the end of each story that intertwine between each other we are shown ways, outlets and abilities to solve the bullying they are dealing with. As we view the set we see names. some you may know, others just a name that died from the pain. This is a powerful show that will leave you with so much thought and remembrance. If you go back to those years, you will remember things you may have wanted to forget. I dealt with bullying but watching this real story, written from real accounts, I see it is so much more intense. Most of us did not have cell phones to spread slam, FB was not around, the hate was more innocent … or was it? In my HS years there were 3 suicides, do we really know why they did that? Kids left schools all the times, rumors would go around like, I heard she was pregnant or he wanted a better school for sports. Why did so many alumni go missing? Put these puzzle pieces together, maybe some or for a real reason but I suspect many are simply from bullying. The difference today? This generation is more egotistical and tells us everything via media because we all know it is easier to write something then to say it to their face.

I am currently in this show with 3 of my teens. I have been in the mix of intense conversation about this issue and feel blessed. I am the proud parent of a son that is gay, a daughter dealing with acne and another son who is bullied for appearing gay. They are empowered by the one's that love them and they walk forward everyday with their head held high because they are who they are.


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