Saturday, January 15, 2011

Makes Us Stronger

The theatre is like a family. Competitive, loving, unorganized, but most of all...supportive.

I think I've managed to cry every day at rehearsal. Jacie says I'm a good crier and a talented actress, but for me it's truely just hard for me to relive these moments.The good thing now is I know that it will stop. I know the scene will end and someone will be ready to comfort me, say they love me, just purely being there for me. We came into the project of putting on this show very vulnerable. We put ourselves out there. Beginning with the very first rehearsal. Sharing our mongologues bonded us in more ways than one. This show has already brought a cleansing to most of our lives. And if no one in the audience is affected by this show, at least we know our own lives will have changed. I knew from the start that doing this show would be a struggle, but I've also known that YPC automatically comes with the support of a family. And that support will only bring us closer together. Make us stronger.

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful Maren. And I can only hope doing this show will allow us all to let go of those terrible memories and fill our heart with the knowledge that we are all worthy, beautiful people surrounded by love.
